How does fortnite make so much money!?

Aiden McNally
2 min readJul 15, 2020

Everyone has probably has heard of fortnite. Mostly Everyone plays it now and spends so much money, in this blog i’m going to tell you how epic games is making so many people buy stuff. First let me tell you why the game is so popular: it’s like call of duty but better in my opinion, you can build and more, and it’s free to play. So let’s get into the reasons that they made so much money.

  1. The first reason is because no one wants to be a default skin their whole time playing so what do they do? They become “cool😂” and they buy skins from the item shop. Some skins are better than others but people buy the best skins, and if a rare one comes out they will definitely buy it. They can also get skins from the battle pass for free, but you still have to pay for the battle pass!
  2. The second and last reason is because there is a game mode called “save the world”, this is where you can trade guns, material and other stuff. This costs $30, and a lot of people buy that which is crazy because there are millions of people playing fortinte and half of those people have save the world. In the game mode people can buy better guns to trade with people and they can buy material, it’s different with “battle royal” because you can just farm material.

Well there you go! Those are the main reasons why they make so much money

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