NO NO and NO!

Aiden McNally
2 min readJun 23, 2020

Ok I have some more! This turns out pretty well but, WOW! Soooo here we gooo!

“One time in fifth grade, I was walking back to class from the bathroom. Before I continue, I should specify two things.

1. My classroom was literally just around the corner from the bathroom, next to the lockers.

2. There was a boy that I had a crush on for the past year in my class.

Now for whatever reason, I was swinging my arms around in a wild half-windmill motion.” Don’t lie, you wanted to be a human windmill “Don’t ask me why, I was just filled with child-like glee I guess.” Or maybe your imagination told you that you could be a windmill? “So there I was, swinging my arms dramatically, then just when I got to the corner…


I had accidentally slapped someone in the face. It took me a second to realize who it was: my crush.” Yeah and? It’s fine that it’s your crush, your only in 5th grade like that’s going to do any harm?

I was mortified,” Like I said it was only 5th grade!😂 “but he just started laughing.” Well yeah who wouldn’t? Well actually let me take that back, one of the little kids who cry when you tap them. “To this day I can probably cite that as one of my top clumsy/socially inept moments.”

Okk! That’s all I have for this blog! Bye Bye!

